
Meravigliosa canzone

Tv ads use to be a good source of interesting songs. And I don't mean when it's Christmas or Summer. The best ones usually are cars ads.

Sometimes the song is composed specifically for the ad, but most of the times they are any kind of version of already existing songs. Few times known (hits I mean) songs are used, usually the original is a totally unknown song from the past.

Today is an example of those former cases. The ad is for Fiat Bravo. The song is called Meravigliosa creatura by Gianna Nannini. It's a quieter version of her own song. As we have seen in other cases, slowering the rythm of the song makes it a more romantic, sweeter and with more feeling song. Some day I'll tell you about my theory about almost any New Order song slowered makes a new better song.

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